Muhammad Taufik Hudaya


Educators hold the responsibility for both the physical and spiritual growth of their students, not only within the school environment but also beyond it, and they consistently serve as positive role models. From the standpoint of Islamic education, the hierarchy of educators includes several levels: Allah SWT, Prophet Muhammad SAW, parents, and teachers within educational institutions. Teachers hold an esteemed position both in the eyes of God and society, reflecting the weight of their duties and responsibilities as stewards of education. The high regard for teachers in Islam contrasts with the view of teachers in the West, with the distinction primarily arising from the belief in God and His teachings, which influence the epistemological and axiological aspects of knowledge. To be an ideal educator in Islam, teachers must possess specific competencies, including 1) personal-religious competence, 2) socio-religious competence, and 3) religious professional competence.


Teacher Competence in Islam, Islamic Educational Philosophy Paradigm Role and Responsibilities of Educators

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