Abdul Rosyid Teguhdin Hamid, Abdul Latif, Mumun Mulyati


Education is one of the keys to the progress of the nation and state. In improving the quality of Indonesian society, the relationship between government, society and the private sector is an inseparable relationship in its role in improving equality and quality of education. Therefore, education is a joint responsibility between the government and society, both in terms of funding and personnel and facilities. Quality education is an expensive investment. Public awareness to bear the costs of education will essentially give the community the strength to take responsibility for the provision of education. Education is seen as a public sector that can serve society with various teaching, coaching and training needed by students. Implementation of PP no. 19/2005 has implications for the need to formulate financing standards which include standardization of education cost components which include operational costs, investment costs and personal costs. It was further stated that the unit cost standard for education is determined by a Ministerial Regulation based on a proposal from the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP). It is hoped that this education financing standard can become a reference in the implementation of education in every elementary school (SD), junior high school (SMP) and senior high school (SMA) throughout Indonesia. Because the benefits are so broad and pervasive in various fields, education financing must be the main concern of the government and society. Referring to the concept above, financing issues are very strategic to study


Governance, Education Financing, Education Transformation

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