Education is regulated and protected by government. Nevertheless, the issue of education is still common in many regions of Indonesia. Through local autonomy, it is expected that it can bring a lot of changes that can adapt to the needs and conditions of the area so that the State no longer have region that are discriminatory to the management of education, especially Islamic education labeled madrassa. Decentralization becomes an important principle in the development of education in a region. Therefore, proper management is required in the advancement of a madrassa in the era of autonomy as it is today. There are many obstacles in the educational local autonomy. Madrassa as Islamic organizer, so it has to change the management to be best school. Many steps can be done, they are planning, organizing, leading, directing, actuating, communicating, coordinating, controlling, monitoring and evaluating, budgeting, and scope of educational management. By that steps, madrassa’s product can compete with general school to face globalization
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