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Hikmah: Journal of Islamic Studies
Hikmah: Journal of Islamic Studies (P-ISSN. 2088-2629, E-ISSN. 2581-0146) is a journal of Islamic Studies which published by ALHIKMAH Islamic Studies Institute Jakarta. This journal is published each semester. It is publication media for research results and the thougts of lectures, intelectuals, and the obesrver of Islamic studies. By upholding the spirit of multi disciplinary studies, the HIKMAH journal is providing various research report and articles which related to the field of education, social, culture, law, politics, economy, and science. They are seriously studied in terms of islamic perspective. The substance of the writings is the responsibility of the writers and doesn't necessarily reflected the oppinion of the redaction.
accredited Sinta 4, by the Ministry of Education, Research and Technology
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