Pengaruh Asal Sekolah dan Jurusan Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pengantar Dasar Matematika Mahasiswa Fakultas Tarbiyah UIN Mataram

Parhaini Parhaini


One of the courses at the faculty of Tarbiyah of the UIN Mataram
that requires analytical skills of critical and creative is the
Introduction to Basic Mathematics (PDM). This is because this
course is the basic subject that requires prior knowledge that is
qualified. Therefore, it needs to be studied on how the influences
of the high school backgrounds and the majors of the study in the
university on the learning outcomes of the PDM. The data of the
research are 80 students majoring in Education of Mathematics
and Education of Science who are from Islamic high school (MA)
andhighschool(SMA). Thedataareobtainedbytheclusterrandom
sampling technique and analyzed with a 2x2 factorial design. The
ANAVA test results show that the high school backgrounds have
real impact on learning outcomes of the PDM, while the majors
have no significant effect on the learning outcomes of the PDM.
What is more, the research also shows that the learning outcomes
of the PDM of the students from the SMA are better than those of
the students from theMA.
Keywords: learning outcomes, attitude, and competence.

One of the courses at the faculty of Tarbiyah of the UIN Mataram
that requires analytical skills of critical and creative is the
Introduction to Basic Mathematics (PDM). This is because this
course is the basic subject that requires prior knowledge that is
qualified. Therefore, it needs to be studied on how the influences
of the high school backgrounds and the majors of the study in the
university on the learning outcomes of the PDM. The data of the
research are 80 students majoring in Education of Mathematics
and Education of Science who are from Islamic high school (MA)
andhighschool(SMA). Thedataareobtainedbytheclusterrandom
sampling technique and analyzed with a 2x2 factorial design. The
ANAVA test results show that the high school backgrounds have
real impact on learning outcomes of the PDM, while the majors
have no significant effect on the learning outcomes of the PDM.
What is more, the research also shows that the learning outcomes
of the PDM of the students from the SMA are better than those of
the students from theMA.
Keywords: learning outcomes, attitude, and competence.

Full Text:



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