Pengaruh Tipe Kepribadian dan Perbedaan Jenis Kelamin Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mata Kuliah Micro Konseling pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Dakwah STAIn Purwokerto

Nur Azizah


The purpose of this research is to find out the influence
of personality type and gender differences on the students’ results
of micro-counseling subject in department of Da’wah STAIN
Purwokerto. The populations of the research are students majoring
in Dakwah. The subjects are 70 students, which consist of 30 male
and 40 female with extrovertand introvertpersonality type. The data
are collected by using questionnaire of Personality. The validity and
reliabilityoftheinstrumentsareassessedbyusingPearson’sProductMoment correlation and Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient. The data are
analyzed using 2-Ways ANOVA technique by means of Microsoft
office excel 2007. The result of this study shows that (1) there
is a very significant interaction effect between factor A (personality
types) and factor B (Sex Differences), or the influence
of personality type on the results of study Micro counseling subjects
depends on Gender Differences (Fhit = 49.074>Ftabel =
4.062); (2) there are differences in average learning outcomes of
courses of group micro -counseling between male and female (Fhit
6.292>Ftabel 4.062); and(3) therearedifferencesinaveragelearning
outcomes Micro counseling courses from groups that have
a personality type Extroverts and Introverts. (Fhit 4.886 > Ftabel
Keywords : personality type, gender differences, learning result of

The purpose of this research is to find out the influence
of personality type and gender differences on the students’ results
of micro-counseling subject in department of Da’wah STAIN
Purwokerto. The populations of the research are students majoring
in Dakwah. The subjects are 70 students, which consist of 30 male
and 40 female with extrovertand introvertpersonality type. The data
are collected by using questionnaire of Personality. The validity and
reliabilityoftheinstrumentsareassessedbyusingPearson’sProductMoment correlation and Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient. The data are
analyzed using 2-Ways ANOVA technique by means of Microsoft
office excel 2007. The result of this study shows that (1) there
is a very significant interaction effect between factor A (personality
types) and factor B (Sex Differences), or the influence
of personality type on the results of study Micro counseling subjects
depends on Gender Differences (Fhit = 49.074>Ftabel =
4.062); (2) there are differences in average learning outcomes of
courses of group micro -counseling between male and female (Fhit
6.292>Ftabel 4.062); and(3) therearedifferencesinaveragelearning
outcomes Micro counseling courses from groups that have
a personality type Extroverts and Introverts. (Fhit 4.886 > Ftabel
Keywords : personality type, gender differences, learning result of

Full Text:



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