Islam Dayak: Dialektika Identitas Dayak Tidung dalam Relasi Sosial-Agama di Kalimantan Timur

Ahmad Muthohar, Anis Masykhur


Dayak Tidung is one of the communities of sub-Dayak from
families of Murut who do dialectic and construct their own
identities independently. Their civilized existence can be a driving
force (trigger power) in building social integration that is often
hurt by the conflict of ethnicity and religion. In addition, it could
act as a breaker of the classical construction of Dayak identity
attached to non-Muslims and non-Malays that could jeopardize
the potency for social integration in East Kalimantan. This study
is aimed to determine the dialectic of the identity of Dayak Tidung,
especially in the aspect of social relation and religion. Thus this
can be understood as: firstly the dialectic of religious identity and
struggle of the identity of Dayak, secondly, the dynamics of the
social-religious relation and its response in articulating Islam in
the middle of the local identity of Dayak, and thirdly the dynamics
of its religiousness and its relation to the community outside of
Keywords: relation, dialectics, identity

Dayak Tidung adalah salah satu komunitas sub Dayak dari
rumpun Murut yang melakukan dialektika dan mengkontruksi
identitasnya secara mandiri. Keberadaannya yang civilized dapat
menjadi kekuatan pendorong ( trigger power) dalam membangun
integrasi sosial yang kerap terciderai konflik berbasis vis a vis
etnisitas dan agama. Di samping itu bisa berperan sebagai
pembongkar terhadap kontruksi klasik identitas Dayak yang lekat
dengan non Muslim dan non Melayu yang dapat membahayakan
potensi integrasi sosial di Kalimantan Timur.
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui dialektika
identitas Dayak Tidung, terutama dalam aspek relasi sosial
dan Agama. Dengan demikian bisa dimengerti beberapa hal.
Pertama, dialektika keberagamaan dan pergulatan identitas
ke Dayakannya. Kedua, dinamika Relasi Sosial-Agama dan
responsinya dalam mengartkulasikan agama (Islam) ditengah
identitas lokal Dayak. Ketiga, dinamika keberagamaannya dan
relasinya terhadap komunitas di luar dirinya.
Kata Kunci: relasi, dialektika

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